Our Governance

Pathways Victoria has been established by the Church as an operating entity with its own Board which provides functional independence through its governance structure. The operating entity is governed in accordance with its Constitution.
Pathways operates as a company limited by guarantee with fiduciary responsibilities including registration with The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.
Pathways membership of the operating entity
Participation in Pathways Victoria is open to Victorian dioceses and members of Catholic
Religious Australia. The initial Members of the entity are the Victorian diocesan bishops.
Pathways services are available to all Catholic entities and, by mutual agreement, to other entities operating in Victoria.
The Members of Pathways are guided by the Constitution of Pathways Victoria which outlines the scope of their involvement.
You can download a copy of the constitution here.
The Pathways Victoria Board
As outlined in the Pathways Victoria Constitution, the company is managed under the direction a
Board of Directors. The Board has a mission led focus as a values based organisation.
Board activities are published annually on the Pathways Victoria website.
You can find more information on our Board Directors here.
Lived Experience Advisory Panel
To inform good governance and learn from those with lived experience, Pathways Victoria will actively involve survivors, their personal supports and advocates in all areas of the organisation in order to shape areas of focus and continuous improvement.
Involving people with a lived experience assists Pathways Victoria in being accountable to the needs of people it serves. They have a unique understanding of the impact of processes, systems and policies that is central to the delivery of a person-centred model of responding to allegations
of abuse
Please visit our careers page for future announcements
Lived Experience Advisory Panel
To inform good governance and learn from those with lived experience, Pathways Victoria will actively involve survivors, their personal supports and advocates in all areas of the organisation in order to shape areas of focus and continuous improvement.
Involving people with a lived experience assists Pathways Victoria in being accountable to the needs of people it serves. They have a unique understanding of the impact of processes, systems and policies that is central to the delivery of a person-centred model of responding to allegations
of abuse
Please visit our careers page for future announcements
Statistical (non identifying) information will be released annually including:
• Name of participating Church Authorities
• Number of allegations received
• Number of allegations dismissed
• Number of allegations upheld
• Outcomes recommended
• Number of recommendations that are subject to variation by Church Authorities
• Number of outcomes reviewed by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd
• Review Outcomes
• Number of claims determined through mediation and total payment
• Number of claims determined by adjudication and total payment